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Writer's pictureAmy B

Frustrated, But Thankful

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Today I was supposed to be in Texas, visiting my sister for Christmas.

Where am I instead?

My parents' driveway.

Why? You may ask.

Just a few technical difficulties.

First, it was the gas detector blaring for no good reason (we tested the CO and shut the propane valve, still the alarm blared). The shop never found out why that happened and, of course, when they put the fuse back in nothing happened.

I am now the proud owner of both a battery powered CO detector and a gas sniffer.

Then it was brake lights. Apparently when they put in the garage door they screwed through the wires. Seriously? You may ask.

Oh, but it gets better. When I brought it into the shop to get that fixed, we had them look at the remote unlock (which hasn't worked since I bought the RV) and they discovered that someone had tried to install it but the wires were too short, so they just left it hanging, unconnected!

We got those items fixed, we assumed everything was good. We took my car to the farm for storage (because my aunt and uncle are awesome and are letting me store my car there), I finished packing, and I was ready to go

Last Sunday we went to fill and flush the fresh water tank so I could hit the road. We had been told it was winterized, so we needed to flush the pipes and fresh water tank. After filling the tank, we turned on the faucets . . . nothing happened. Oh, except that water was squirting out of the water heater.

In the RV went to the shop, again. The pressure problem was solved by closing some mythical valve that was opened when they de-winterized it (yes, apparently they de-winterized it at some point . . . isn't that the opposite of what we were told?) but the water heater part had to be ordered and may not be covered by the warranty.

Feel free to read that again.

Don't worry, I had a nightmare about that last night. But hopefully that scenario won't need to be delved into. As my friends know, I'm very go with the flow (okay, only kinda) and not much really angers me, but when I get pushed over the edge - move over Mount Vesuvius, because you aint got nothing on me!

So now I wait . . .

In general I'm a glass half full person and I can see the good in everything (I found positive things after getting run over by a car, so not much gets me down), but this is really testing my positivity.

Yet, I have so much to be thankful for.

  1. My parents are being amazing. They are feeding me, letting me moochdock in their driveway, and stepping in to help me out so the burden of taking care of all this doesn't land solely on my shoulders.

  2. It allowed me to fully settle in my RV as well as organize and purge childhood stuff (particularly my Barbies) that still reside at my parents.

  3. I was able to see a few special people one last time before leaving.

  4. The boys have fully acclimated to living on the RV's Garage (heretofore called the Family Room) and are settling well, Benjamin even ventures into the main section just a little when he wants something from me.

So in the end, while I am frustrated and annoyed, I am thankful. As I keep getting reminded, this is happening for a reason. I may never know exactly why, but one thing I do know is that the saying : "Man plans, God laughs" is not only true but a humbling reminder to hold loosely and be flexible!

In A Holding Pattern,

Amy, Benjamin, & Peter

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